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Fırat Boyan 01.10.2020 0

Changing ms-DS-MachineAccountQuota Attribute Limit in Windows Server 2019

A user with a standard Active Directory User Account in Windows Server 2019 has the right to join 10 computers to the domain by default. This may pose a security risk for some organizations. I will be mentioning you how you can change the default value of this limit for a standard Active Directory user in this essay.

We can intervene in the ms-DS-MachineAccountQuota Attribute from two points one of which is ADSI.EDIT and the other one is Powershell.

2- Changing ms-DS-MachineAccountQuota Attribute with Powershell

To change the ms-DS-MachineAccountQuota Attribute through ADSI Edit;

1.1- I am right clickin on ADSI Edit and then clicking on Connect to... option.


1.2- I am selecting the Default naming context option in the Connection Settings window and clicking on the  OK button.


1.3- I am right clicking on Distinguished Name and selecting the Properties option.


1.4- In the window that opens, I am reaching the ms-DS-MachineAccountQuota Attribute under the Attribute Editor and double click on it.


1.5- When we double click on the MachineAccountQuota Attribute, we can change the value. The number 10 here is the value information that a user with a standard Active Directory User Account has the right to be able to join 10 computers by default. This value can be increased or decreased from this area.


2- Changing ms-DS-MachineAccountQuota Attribute with Powershell

To change the ms-DS-MachineAccountQuota Attribute through Powershell;

2.1- I am typing the Powershell command of Get-ADObject in the Powershell console as follows.

Get-ADObject -Identity ((Get-ADDomain).distinguishedname) -Properties ms-DS-MachineAccountQuota


2.1.1- As a result; ms-DS-MachineAccountQuota is the value information that a user with a standard Active Directory User Account has the right to join 10 computers to the domain by default.

2.1- To change the default value of 10, I am typing the Powershell command of  Set-ADdomain  in the Powershell console as follows. I am changing the value 10 to 0 (zero) in my example.

Set-ADdomain -Identity -Replace @{"ms-DS-MachineAccountQuota"="0"}


3- After changing the ms-DS-MachineAccountQuota Attribute from the Powershell console, when I reach the ms-DS-MachineAccountQuota Attribute on ADSI Edit, we can see that the value I changed on Powershell also had changed in this field.


It is also possible for you to watch related video content of this essay through Changing ms-DS-MachineAccountQuota Attribute Limit in Windows Server 2019.

I hope it benefits....

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Author: Fırat Boyan

My name is Fırat Boyan. I was born in Alanya, which is one of the counties of the Antalya city, in 1985. I am a Senior System Engineer, Microsoft Certified Trainer (MCT) and a freelance Sworn Translator from English into Turkish and from Turkish into English affiliated with a Notary Office.  I have been living in Istanbul since 2008 and providing service in the field of Information Technologies for 18 years. I currently work for Data Market as a Senior Cloud Engineer and I have been providing System and Network trainings as a Microsoft Certified Trainer (MCT) affiliated with Bilge Adam, which renders trainings in the field of Information Technologies. Besides, I provide IT consulting services for corporate companies as well. Please visit the page About Me to get more detailed information about me and to review the Microsoft certifications I have.

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