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Information Technologies Platform

Information Technologies Platform

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Consultancy Services

Companies who do not incorporate the department of Information Technologies, who do not do not employ Information Technologies staff and who get this service as outsource within the scope of consultancy, request IT consultancy services from professionals for installation, administration and maintenance of server, network and computer systems. IT Consultancy is an important factor of Information Technologies. You, therefore, cannot consign your technical infrastructure and administrative systems to someone who is non-professional and inexperienced. In this context, as a professional and competent expert in the field, I provide IT consultancy services within the scope of the principle of meticulously carrying out installation, management and maintenance of IT equipment and systems, in line with the recommendations announced in ITIL, and ensuring the workability of redundant architectures for all your technical consultancy service needs.

Consultancy Services

Fırat Boyan 23.12.2021 0
Listing contents of Active Directory Organization Units with powershell
Active Directory Organization Units (OUs) are objects created to organize users, groups or computers in a Domain. It is used to group AD objects to meet the needs of the organization and to facilitate management (especially Group Policy). I will mention about the Active Directory Organization Unit (OU) structure and how to list how many User and Computer accounts in an Organization Unit (OU) with the help of Powershell Scripts In this essay.

Fırat Boyan 23.12.2021 0
Creating Database Through Exchange Management Sell in Exchange Server 2019
I will mention how to create a User Mailbox Database with PowerShell commands in Exchange Server 2019 in this essay. I will perform this action through the Exchange Management Shell which is specially designed for Exchange Server.

Fırat Boyan 09.10.2020 0
Local User Profiles in Windows 10
User Profiles are automatically created by referring to their user name and Default Profile for each user when they log on to the computers they use; desktop settings, downloads, favorites, pictures, documents, etc. are profile folders where settings are kept.

Fırat Boyan 09.10.2020 0
Active Directory Domain installation in Windows Server 2019
I will mention about installing Primary Domain Controller (PDC) in Windows Server 2019, the latest version server operating system of Microsoft in this essay. I would like to mention about what a Domain Controller is briefly before starting my essay.

Fırat Boyan 07.10.2020 0
Fiber Optic Cable Technology - Multimode and Singlemode Fiber Optic Cables
A fiber optic cable is a Silicon Dioxide (Silicon Dioxide-SiO₂) glass material through which light is directed. The most important reason why cables produced in this way are preferred is that they are not affected by humid, damp places where environmental conditions are severe and where electrical field interference is intense and they always offer a stable connection.

Fırat Boyan 14.03.2021 0
Changing ms-DS-MachineAccountQuota Attribute Limit in Windows Server 2019

A user with a standard Active Directory User Account in Windows Server 2019 has the right to join 10 computers to the domain by default. This may pose a security risk for some organizations.

Fırat Boyan 08.10.2020 1
Fiber Optic Cable Technology - Multimode and Singlemode Fiber Optic Cables

A fiber optic cable is a Silicon Dioxide (Silicon Dioxide-SiO₂) glass material through which light is directed. The most important reason why cables produced in this way are preferred is that they are not affected by humid, damp places where environmental conditions are severe and where electrical field interference is intense and they always offer a stable connection.

Fırat Boyan 01.10.2020 0
Mechanical HDD? SSD HDD? - Viewing the Disk Type Installed on the Computer with PowerShell
I will show you how to view the disk type that you can run on Windows 10 (Pro) or Windows Server operating systems and from the PowerShell console in this technical hint essay.

Fırat Boyan 07.10.2020 0
Fiber Optic Cable Technology - Multimode and Singlemode Fiber Optic Cables
A fiber optic cable is a Silicon Dioxide (Silicon Dioxide-SiO₂) glass material through which light is directed. The most important reason why cables produced in this way are preferred is that they are not affected by humid, damp places where environmental conditions are severe and where electrical field interference is intense and they always offer a stable connection.

Fırat Boyan 06.10.2020 1
Configuring DFS-Distributed File System High Availability (HA) in Windows Server 2016
One of the primary goals of information technology teams in organizations is to ensure the availability of resources on file servers at the highest possible speed and efficiency in a High Availability (HA) and secure architecture.

Fırat Boyan 01.10.2020 1
WatchGuard Firewall Installation and Configuration
I will be mentioning you about the installation steps of a WatchGuard brand Firewall device from scratch, but first of all, I would like to mention what Firewall is and what it does for those who do not know or beginners in this essay.

Fırat Boyan 01.10.2020 0
NTFS (Security Permissions) and Sharing Permissions in Windows Server 2019 Part-2
I will mention about NTFS Security Permissions (Security Permissions & NTFS Permissions) in Windows Server 2019 as the second part of my essay, and mention about how you can assign permissions to users in a shared folder in this essay.

Fırat Boyan 29.09.2020 2
NTFS (Security Permissions) and Sharing Permissions in Windows Server 2019 Part-1
I will be mentioning about Sharing and Security (Security-NTFS) Permissions and how you can assign permissions to users in a shared folder in this essay. Permissions (Permissions); It is a set of authorizations that determine the access level assigned to the user or group on resources such as folders and files.